POEA Job Position: Fire Fighter

Location: Saudi Arabia

  • High Diploma Fire Technical (NFPA.1001472.1021.1041.1006,1033,1031)
Job Profile:
  • Conduct daily inspection to all Fire Truck, Fire Equipment and Apparatus.
  • Conduct daily routine inspection to all fire equipment for maintenance
  • Provide fire personnel assistance to hot works activity
  • Conduct regular training and familiarization of all rescue equipment Conduct weekly fire drill and rescue drill inside the plant
  • Attend weekly refreshing training lecture course conducted by fire instructor
  • Response immediately and safely to any emergency call and request for assistance.
  • Attend any emergency incidents including fres, road accidents, fioods, bomb incidents, spillages of dangerous substance.
  • Response to any reported tasked to protect nearby people, the environment or property from the effects of a hazardous materials  release by means of decontamination, product control or detection and monitoring activities.
  • Age: 25 to 40 years old
  • Salary: Up to 3000 SAR
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