POEA Job Position: Fitter Machinist

Location: Australia

Employer/Company: IKAD Engineering
POEA Accreditation No.: 10368288


  • Must have 6 years relevant experience Mechanical fitter
  • Can speak and understand English
  • Must be an IELTS Passer or IELTS Exempt
  • IELTS Passer- overall band score of at least 5.0 with a score of at least 5 in each of the tests
  • IELTS Exempt- must have 5 years of continuous full time study (4 years of High School plus at least 1 year of College/Vocational courses)


  • Experience in service, repair and retrofit of Marine and Industrial plant and equipment, including
    marine propulsion systems, gearboxes & transmissions, load handling equipment, fluid management and processing systems
  • Experience with hydraulics. studying drawings and specifications to determine suitable material, method and sequence of operations, and machine settings

Email Address : info@ioi.ph

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